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Introducing Duna Express

A miracle that it lived till sucess

The Duna Express (formally DunaNOW) mission is a mission designed to not only place the first Kerbalnaughts on the surface of Duna but to establish a sustainable research presence on the red planet.

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Duna Express: Welcome

The History

The Full Story

The Kerbin launch Agency has always been a pioneer in astroscience and getting Kerbals to space "and making things go boom correctly" since its founding between the Merger of the United Launch Agency, Von Science astrophysics and bio and Island paradise Launch corp, 18 years ago. About 10 years into the founding the Munship and Mineship programs as well as the X-7/X-8 SSTO Projects generated much interest in a GT 'Grand Tour mission'. As a result of that and political pressure the DunaNow Program was launched using the preexisting SOL and new Atlas launchers. Its name was changed to DunaExpress due to political reasons.

Duna Express: About

The Glorious Return

Duna Express: Video
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